Saturday 25 November 2006

(IInd) Sunday Post : SP - 2

Hello everybody,

I welcome you to the (Second) SUNDAY POST of our “Learn Mouth Organ Online!!!!” community. (

Well, Japan is experiencing the chilling cold with beautiful autumn leaves here, but still the warmth of the sweet memories from India are there in the heart.

Newayz, I hope many fellows must have read the last Sunday Post and must have been benefited from it. I would like to know, was it useful? In this post I’m planning to write something mixed, like some tips, some suggestions and finally notes of any song/tune.

Friends, there are many misunderstandings that walk along with the MO practice. Some say, if u play MO, u will be suffering from the lungs disease or might have breathing problems, but I fully deny any of such allegations. While you play MO, u do both (controlled) inhaling and exhaling which means u are not stopping ur breath. Its going on but u r just giving it a rhythm, u r controlling ur own body part (lungs). This may not harm your body, however, anything which is excessive in this world, cause harm. Playing MO is a good exercise for ur lungs and regular practice of this instrument with systematic and planned timings can be beneficial for ur respiratory process. In the last post I have explained many important aspects of MO. While writing these blogs, I have always taken care of the beginner ones so I think this is not the right time to discuss the specialized issues of MO. These things will eventually come in our way while we all together proceed towards the perfection in the MO practice.

Friends, one of the most important tips for learning MO - Try to be close to this instrument as much as possible. I mean (whenever possible) always try to carry it along with you wherever you go, just like you always carry ur wallet or money with u. This is too easy bcoz of its size that can always fit in the pocket of ur pant or in the purses of the girls. Though, this sounds a bit funny but believe me it works. Carrying MO with u increases the affection between u and ur MO.(…….Of course, we have to discriminate some special places where we can not carry it ….like bathrooms….hahaha). You can always try MO whenever u get some spare time in the breaks or in the unofficial time.

Try to enlist the songs in which MO has been played. (Also you can publish this list in the forums that can help others knowing the songs that can be easily played on MO.)

Song of the week:

I’m always confused what to write in this section bcoz I’m not able to understand at what level u r I mean, could u learn/play the notes I had given in the last week. If u could not then we can discuss what exactly is problematic for u. I would be able to suggest u some tips if u will come out with ur problems. U can always give comments to the blog or even contact me directly through Email. U can get my email ID from my profile in the blog or my orkut profile.

Anyway, let get back on the road. Since there is no special Furmaish, I’m thinking to give the ntes of the famous song in the movie “Darr” – kkkkkkkkkkiran I mean “Jaadu teri Nazar” !!

Guys this tune is already so popular that you would be able to identify the notes easily. While learning to play this tune, feel that you are playing this tune for the person, u love so much, no matter whether that person knows it or not. Just imagine that this tune is coming out from ur heart and conveying ur love to ur beloved one. (Heyyyy…stop..stop… thoda jyada hi romatic ho raha hun kya..???? …..hahaha). But its true, until u will not feel the music, u won’t be able to play it. The melody should merge with ur soul.

This song can be played between window 5-14. (Refer the image given above)

Ja-du----......te-*-ri..... na-zar---.... Khush-bu----..... te--*

A - E-----.......D-E*D...... C - B ----.....G - D----......C--D*--C...........B - A --- ...........

(Next is the 2nd line where the ‘te’ of the word ‘teri’ is a bit high. Also give attention to the ‘badan’ in this line. Just hum the song and u will come to know that after the word ‘badan’ one extra note is there (*) that goes very down. Refer the audio file.)

Ja-du----........ te--ri..... na-zar---.... Khush-bu----...... te-*-ra....... ba-dan---*-

A - E----..........G --E.......C - B---...... ......C - D----...... ..C-D*-C.........B - A----F*-

Tu...haa kar, ya naa kar.. (2 times)

A.....C......B,...G...B....A ....(2times)

Tu..... hai..... me-------ri............ ki-ran...(2 times)

A.........A........F--------G..............F-E.......(2 times)

Blow (Blow the notes shown in red color)

Draw (Draw the notes shown in blue color)

Underlined notes : Notes for the single (underlined) word above it.

~~~ : Sound where Notes are used to connect two words.

......... : Separation of two different words

-----: Long Sound in a single word

I’ll continue the remaining part of this song next week. We'll discuss about using scale changer (Chromatic Harmonica) from SP-4 or 5 onwards. The first song we'll learn from those post using scale changer is one of the all time favourite number "Chura Liya Hai Tumne Jo Dilko" !!! So stay tuned and keep practicing the notes I'm giving in all these sunday posts, so that u will easily catch the scale changer technique.
Pleeeeeease keep me informed about ur progress/problems (Leave ur comments).

With best regards,

- Chaitu.

Very Important !!

Dear friends,
how are you all?
Its really too annoying to see the following message whenever I'm trying to open the community page :
Bad, bad server.
No donut for you.Unfortunately, the server has acted out in an unexpected way. Hopefully, it will return to its helpful self if you try again in a few minutes.It's likely that the server will behave this way on occasion during the coming months. We apologize for the inconvenience and for our server's lack of consideration for others.
I sometimes really get angry and also upset to see this speadbreaker.
we have to find some solution for this problem. And the solution is either the moderators (staying in India) have to help me time to time by redirecting my notes to our community or we have to form a mailing list on yahoo, google or Gazzag, for better communication.
Hey guys, I need suggestions from ur side what's better/convenient way for you.

The success or ur progress lies in ur response to the post. You have to practice it seriously and also have to keep me informed about ur progress then only I can plan something new for you with the help of some of our other MO players in the community.

Finally, regarding this Sunday Post, I'm publishing it in a separate Post in this blog.

Check it out,
and please leave ur comments/ideas/problems in the blog.

With Best Regards,
- Chaitu.

Sunday 12 November 2006

(Ist) Sunday Post : SP-1

Dear friends,

I welcome you to the very first lesson of our “Learn Mouth Organ Online!!!!” community.

This small, inexpensive and very melodious musical instrument Mouth Organ (Harmonica) can be used to play anything from nursery rhymes to classical music. You can use it to play simple songs or complex songs, old songs or modern songs.

I’ll not make the learning of this instrument very complex or will not tell u “Arey yaar isko sikhna to bahut mushkil hai (Its very difficult to learn this instrument)” like what most of our friends who know a bit playing scare the basic learners.

Believe me; you don’t need years of music lessons to begin to enjoy your Mouth Organ (MO). With a couple of lessons and a few minutes of practice each day, you should be playing simple tunes in no time. And if you continue to learn and practice new songs, you can become an expert player, very soon.

I have divided this Blog in some chapters. U may encounter some new words during my write up so I have made a section Introduction to new Terms at the end where u can find their meaning.

Click here for the brief History and Types of Mouth Organ

Details of the MO system or its (in Biological language) Physiology:

(I’m using TOWER brand for explaination so please refer it accordingly)

The MO is having 24 windows as shown in the figure. I have tried to make the picture self explanatory. This MO is having 3 octaves (1-8; 9-16 and 17-24). U can see that there is a repetation of the same notes starting from ‘C’ to 'B' (like SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SA and again SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SA.) To understand this just draw a circle and place the C D E F G A B C on a fixed interval on the circle and u can see that after C again it will repeat the next 8 notes, its called Octave). In simple words, u can play a song at three different places with the same pitch/scale.

I think I should not explain so many things in one post bcoz it may eat ur BHEJA and can make u to just close this file or through the mouth organ on bed and do some other work so I control myself and rest we’ll talk in next week.

How to hold the Mouth Organ?

Actually there are some specific styles to hold the MO properly for different effects like the one ‘Tremollo’. But we’ll discuss it later.In simple words, at this level u don’t need to follow any specific style of holding. Just hold it(of course the windows of the MO should be towards ur mouth…..hahaha).One more thing, actually in musical instruments the lower sound is always at ur left side (ex. Harmonium) so u can follow the direction as shown in the picture. It means the scale changer knob shud come at ur right side but guys like my dimag I hold the MO in reverse side, means the knob is always at my left hand side (u can see this in my video posted on YouTube ).

Song of this Week (Home Work….hahaha):

The first song we are going to learn is, "Hai Apna Dil To Awara, Na Jaane Kis Pe Aayega".

Today I’ll give the notes of only first line of that song. B4 starting to practice, first hum the song and try to analyse where the sound is long and where is short.

This line (of the song) is played between the windows 5 to 11 (Refer the picture).

Hai....Ap-----na.... Dil..... To...... Aa----wa~~~ra,

G......CC----- D........E....... C......... D----C~~B~A

Na......Ja--ne ~~~ ~Kis..... Pe...... Aa-ye-ga !

A-....... G--A -~~B~ CC........ D...... E--D--C

Blow (Blow the notes shown in red color)

Draw (Draw the notes shown in blue color)

Underlined notes : Notes for the single (underlined) word above it.
~~~ : Sound where Notes are used to connect two words.

......... : Separation of two different words
-----: Long Sound in a single word

U should practice this line until next week. Feel free to write in the community if u feel any difficulty.All da best !!!

Introduction to New Terms:

I'll post all da new words in a special blogs.

Plssss leave ur comments........

Good Luck...

- Chaitu.